


从小受到魔法秀影响,喜欢上魔法的篝敦子,如愿进入了欧洲的魔女育成名校《露娜诺娃魔法学校》。与当初所期待的不同,每天千篇一律的枯燥课程令敦子非常失望。想要打破这种沉闷、保守的气氛,为了取回属于魔法的梦想而努力的敦子,等待着她的却是来自周围的冷眼与嘲笑, 学业也遭遇种种不顺。一直支持着敦子只有同班的好友洛蒂和苏西。


幼い頃に見た魔法ショーで魔法の魅力に取り憑かれ、ヨーロッパの魔女育成名門校「ルーナノヴァ魔法学校」に入学したアッコ。大きな期待とは裏腹に日々の授業は意外と退屈。保守的な魔法界の雰囲気を打ち破り、魔法に夢を取り戻そうと張り切るアッコだが、周囲の目は冷ややかで授業でも空回りの連続。唯一の味方はルームメイトで親友のロッテとスーシィの2人だけ。 そんなある日、学校でとんでもないハプニングが発生。思いがけず事件解決の鍵を握ってしまったアッコは、ロッテ、スーシィ達と共に学校崩壊の危機に立ち向かう!

For young witches everywhere, the world-renowned witch Shiny Chariot reigns as the most revered and celebrated role model. But as the girls age, so do their opinions of her—now just the mention of Chariot would get a witch labeled a child. However, undeterred in her blind admiration for Chariot, ordinary girl Atsuko Kagari enrolls into Luna Nova Magical Academy, hoping to someday become just as mesmerizing as her idol.

However, the witch academy isn't all the fun and games Atsuko thought it would be: boring lectures, strict teachers, and students who mock Chariot plague the campus. Coupled with her own ineptness in magic, she's seen as little more than a rebel student. But when a chance finally presents itself to prove herself to her peers and teachers, she takes it, and now it's up to her to stop a rampaging dragon before it flattens the entire academy.

[Written by MAL Rewrite]



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