

故事主要讲述日本天才钢琴家阿宇野因为意外而导致手部受伤,至不能在钢琴上攀上世界的高峰,在心灰意冷之下, 阿宇野抛弃了他的钢琴。殊不知被弃在森林里的钢琴郤为一小孩发现,而小孩慢慢与钢琴发展出深厚感情, 在缘份的牵引下,阿字野发现这小孩便是自己的学生海,最令他惊讶的是,海竟透过森林中的钢琴孕育出天才的音乐感,那是能在世界发光发热的音乐感,阿宇野决定把海带到世界去…

Amamiya Shuuhei moves from Tokyo to the country side due to his grandmother's bad health. His father is a famous pianist and Shuuhei has taken strict piano lessons since he was very young, aspiring to follow in his footsteps. In school, he is teased by his classmates and is dared to play the piano in the forest. This piano is said to be cursed: if you play it, no sound will come. After school, Ichinose Kai, a boy in the same class, takes Shuuhei to the forest. When Shuuhei tries to play he fails, but Kai plays a wonderful song.

This is the beginning of a strong friendship, and a story of two very different boys developing their skills as musicians.



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